The Career Site report category, or tab, contains reports that provide information about traffic through your career site. Learn more about the Career Site reports available below.
The Career Site Overview tab provides a glance at trends and performances of your career site. The data presented can be customized using the date range and filter dropdowns in the top right of the page.
- Avg Session Duration (s) - A look (in seconds) at the average duration of time spent on your career site in one session
- Goal Conversion (%) - The percentage of sessions that result in a visitor clicking the 'Apply Now' button
- Bounce Rate (%) - The percentage of sessions where the user did not click 'Apply Now', visit two or more pages, or stay on the site for more than ten seconds
- Users - Shows the data of both Active Users and Total users
- Active Users: The number of users who clicked 'Apply Now', visited two or more pages, or stayed on the site more than ten seconds
- Total Users: Active users plus any users who did not stay on the site more than ten seconds
- Source - Shows the breakdown of how users access the site
- Device - Shows what type of device is used to access the site
The Career Site Source tab provides a detailed view of the distribution of the sources of career site visitors. The data presented can be customized using the date range and filter dropdowns in the top right of the page.
The Career Site Device tab provides a detailed view of the distribution of devices used by career site visitors. The data presented can be customized using the date range and filter dropdowns in the top right of the page.
Filter Options
Different options for the date range for measuring career site data
Different formats for how career site data can be exported
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