Offer Rescind - EasySign

With Talentcare's Offer Rescind option, users will now have the capability to rescind, edit and resend Offer Letters on their own, saving time and adding convenience to the platform.

Only companies/tenants with EasySign will have the capabilities to do this. To learn more please reach out to


When To Use Offer Rescind:

  • If you have mistakenly sent the incorrect 'Offer Letter' to candidate.
  • If you have already sent the offer letter BUT you need to make a change/update to the letter (ie: Pay Rate or Start Date) you will need to rescind the 'Offer Letter' first before making any changes. 

How To Rescind Offer Letters

  • First you will want to go to the 'Candidate' Page of the person you would like to rescind the offer for.
  • Click on the red 'Rescind Offer' button under the 'On-boarding' section.
  • You will be prompted to leave a reason for the rescind. (1)
  • Click the 'Save' button at the bottom right of your screen.


What Happens After Rescind Happens?

  • Users will be able to view When a rescind occured; Who triggered the rescind; Why the rescind happened from the recent activities page.
  • You will see that the 'Hiring Need' has increased and the previously 'Filled' requisition will now be 'Active'.
  • If the candidate was in the 'Offer Accepted' status when offer is rescinded > candidate will move back to the 'Offer Pending' Status automatically.
  • If the candidate was in the 'Offer Pending' status when offer is rescinded > candidate will stay in the 'Offer Pending' Status but will need an offer attached and resent.