The Recruiting report category, or tab, contains reports that reflect your recruiting efforts from the time a candidate applies for a job to the time a candidate is hired. Learn more about the Recruiting reports available below.
- The first section of the Overview report contains cards that provide a brief look at the metrics for various indicators of recruiting health.
- Open Jobs - The number of open jobs 30 days prior, 7 days prior, and current
- Hiring Needs - Total number of positions to be filled, the percentage of those positions that are a current or high priority need, and the percentage of positions that are future need
- New Jobs - The number of new jobs opened in the last 7 days, last 30 days, and all time
- New Candidates - The number of new candidates that have applied for jobs in the last 7 days, last 30 days, and all time
- Hires - The number of hires made in the last 7 days, last 30 days, and all time
- Starts - The number of new hires that have or will start in the last 7 days, last 30 days, and in the next 7 days
- Disqualified - The number of candidates that have been disqualified for positions in the last 7 days, last 30 days, and all time
- Declined - The number of candidates that have declined to pursue a position in the last 7 days, last 30 days, and all time
- Activity Last 7 Days - The number of candidates that are currently in Qualified, Interviewing, and Offer Pending status in the last 7 days
- Candidate Flow Last 7 Days - The number of candidates that have moved in Qualified, Interviewing, and Offer Pending status in the last 7 days
- Use the percentages provided on cards to see how your current metrics compare to the previous time period
- In the above example, Open Jobs shows 40 open jobs 7 Days Ago
- The +5% shows that 40 open jobs is up 5 percent from the previous 7 day time period
- The second section contains visualizations of current cycle times for New Applicant, Qualified, Interviewing, and Offer Finalization status compared to the recommended Best Practice cycle times for each
Activity reports display the number of candidates that have moved into an active job status in a period of time since application date.
- Hiring Manager reports - Sort activity by the Hiring Manager
- Recruiter reports - Sort activity by the Recruiter
- Job Title reports - Sort activity by Job Title
Aging reports display the distribution of candidates based on how long they have been in the recruiting process since application date. These reports categorize candidates based on their age, into groups of week-long intervals
- Hiring Manager reports - Sort aging by the Hiring Manager
- Recruiter reports - Sort aging by the Recruiter
- Job Title reports - Sort aging by Job Title
Cycle Times
Cycle Times reports measure the average number of days candidates spend progressing through the recruiting process since application date.
- Hiring Manager reports - Sort cycle times by the Hiring Manager
- Recruiter reports - Sort cycle times by the Recruiter
- Job Title reports - Sort cycle times by Job Title
Disposition reports show the number of candidates that have been disqualified or have declined to pursue an open job.
- Reason - Sort disposition by the Reason
- Hiring Manager reports - Sort disposition by the Hiring Manager
- Recruiter reports - Sort disposition by the Recruiter
- Job Title reports - Sort disposition by Job Title
Flow reports track candidates progress through the recruiting process and displays a distribution of candidates at different stages since application date.
- Hiring Manager reports - Sort flow by the Hiring Manager
- Recruiter reports - Sort flow by the Recruiter
- Job Title reports - Sort flow by Job Title
- Location - Sort flow by Location
Open Positions
The Open Position report provides a detailed look at the number of open jobs and your hiring needs, such as priority of need for a filled position
Volume reports showcase the volume of specific metrics over time.
- Candidate - Shows volume of candidates over time
- Hires - Shows volume of hires over time
- New Jobs - Shows the volume of new jobs over time
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