Talent Pools

Talent Pools are used to gather prospects for a particular job type all in one spot. You can then rank them according to fit, move them through the progression, and contact them all from the talent pools page.

Accessing Talent Pools:

To navigate to the Talent Pools feature, first click the three dots icon in the top right of the page, to open the dropdown menu. Then under the Actions section, choose

Creating a Talent Pool:

Get started by adding a new Talent Pool! You can do so by clicking on the +Add Talent Pool button in the top left corner.

Once opened you can name your Talent Pool. You can also link a currently open job to this Talent Pool, however, it is not required.


Share modal:

Talent Pool: Allows users to share a direct link for a prospect to submit themselves to a Talent Pool. This could be used for in person events or one that is placed on your career site.

A QR code is also generated, which can be used to access the Talent Pool submission page.


Talent Pool Options: Here a user can edit the information that is requested from a prospect as they submit themselves to the Talent Pool. First Name, Last Name, and Email are required by default.

Custom Link: Here users can generate a QR code for any URL that is placed in the text field.


Details Modal

Users can edit the name, linked job, and brand of the Talent Pool.


Archives the selected Talent Pool. This Talent Pool can then be found under the archived tab for Talent Pools.

Managing Prospects in a Talent Pool

Adding a prospect to the talent pool manually:

You can add a prospect to a Talent Pool directly if you have their first name, last name, and email address. Phone number is not required


Preview: Get a quick look at the most important information for a prospect. You are able to view prospects resume (if they have one submitted) and contact information. If you desire a more comprehensive look at the prospect, you are able to visit the person page by selecting that button.

Edit: Here you can set a prospect's progress, rating, and tags. Use these options to manage your prospects.

Transfer: Use this action to move a prospect to a job or to another Talent Pool. 

  • Job - Here you can select the transfer destination for your prospect, set the candidate status, and add a note that can be viewed by hiring mangers or recruiters later. 

The prospect will have a candidate record created within the job that you selected. At that time, you can manage them as a candidate. To learn more, please click here.

  • Talent Pool - If you decide this prospect would be a better fit for another Talent Pool, you can quickly transfer them to a different one. Simply type the name of the desired Talent Pool in the search bar or choose an available Talent Pool from the dropdown list. 

Contact: If you need to reach out to the prospect, you can do so easily by selecting the Contact button. There you will have the option to email the prospect, add a planner activity that is related to that prospect, or add a note to their person page that can be viewed by hiring managers and recruiters at a later date.

Remove: Selecting this option will remove the prospect from the Talent Pool you are managing them in. It will not remove them from any other Talent Pool or delete their person page. 


You can also do all of these same actions in bulk. To do so, select multiple prospects by clicking the check box on the left-hand side. Once done you use the Edit Selected button and perform the above actions in bulk.