Increase or Decrease a Requisition

One of the best ways to maintain your requisitions stay open, or close when needed, is by increasing or decreasing the number of requisitions.

Increase a Requisition

Do you need to fill multiple positions for the same requisition? Increasing the number of requisitions will prevent the requisition from closing, thus allowing you to keep posting job openings until your needs are met. 

  • To increase a requisition, simply submit a new requisition

Not sure how to submit a requisition? Learn more here: Submit a Job Requisition

  • When submitting your new requisition, make sure that the Hiring Manager, Job Location, and Job Title are the same as existing requisitions
  • Once the requisition is submitted, this will increase the number of requisitions open for a specific job, which in turn allows you to keep the requisition open until your needs are met

Decrease a Requisition

Have you filled all necessary positions, or have too many job requisitions open for a job? Follow the steps below to decrease the number of requisitions.

  • In the Requisitions section of your job, expand the section using the drop-down arrow
  • Locate the requisition you're decreasing and click the Requisition #
  • In the pop-up window, click the Reduce Openings button
  • Locate the Number of Positions to Close: section that is now under Number of Positions:
  • Use the drop-down menu to select the number of open requisitions you'd like to close
  • If you'd like to close all requisitions, click Close All instead


Please note:

Updating a candidates status in a closed requisition does not reopen the job. You are not able to increase a requisition on a closed job. You will need to reopen the job and add a requisition to the new job. If all requisitions are filled, the job will close automatically.



For questions, comments, or issues, please contact us!